If you have a lot of money you probably want to buy something or the other with it. After all, that’s what money is for, right? There is a pretty good chance that you would ideally want to purchase something that can enable you to start earning money or at the very least enjoy yourself in a way that might not even have been possible for you prior to this point in your life. We have a suggestion for you that you are really going to enjoy, so strap yourself in and get ready for the tip of a lifetime!
The thing that you should buy with your vast piles of cash is, wait for it, a limo bus in NYC! You might think that we are out of our minds to suggest such a thing but just think about it for a second and then you can go about your daily routine without having to listen to us again.
A bus is very spacious, and a limo is very luxurious, so if you combine these two you will get the best of both worlds!
You can ride around if your limo bus yourself if you want to have a good time or you can just rent it out to other people and help them have a good time as well and you will get some incredible returns on your investment if this is the route that you decide to end up taking. You can figure out a lot of other benefits that come with this as well, and eventually you will realize that our tip has helped you turn your life around and turn into a truly rich individual who can do anything.